
Cantemir CIUREA ERCĂU – Project Manager

National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control

Phone: 0741 559 727

E-mail:[email protected]

Press Release

            In the period 28.02 - 01.03.2017 at Intercontinental Hotel , Bucharest, is taking place the Conference for closing The  Regional Excellence Project on Regulatory Capacity Building in Nuclear and Radiological Safety, Emergency Preparedness and Response in Romania, financed through the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2009 – 2014.

          The partneres within this project were the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN), the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

          The objective of the project was to enhance the capabilities of the Romanian nuclear regulatory authority CNCAN in eight specific functional areas of work such as: safety analysis;

integrated management systems and knowledge management; inspections; safety and security of transport and transit of radioactive and nuclear materials on the Romanian territory; emergency preparedness and response; ionizing radiation sources; radioactive waste, spent nuclear fuel management and decommissioning activities and safeguards activities.

          During the conference there are presented the main results obtained during the project, there will be exchange of experience, discussions related to the challenges and lessons learned during the implementation of the project activities.


Press release

On 19 September 2016, at Sheraton Hotel in Bucharest, the national exercise on response to a nuclear emergecny, named Valahia 2016 scheduled for 4-6 October 2016 has been launched. The exercise Valahia 2016 is organized in the framework of the Regional Excellence Project on Regulatory Capacity Building in Nuclear and Radiological Safety, Emergency Preparedness and Response in Romania, financed through the EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2009 – 2014.

The excercise will be coordinated by the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Nuclearelectrica S.A and  other governmental authorities involved in the management of emergency situations.

The objectives of this exercise are as follows: testing the national plans for response to a nuclear emergency, testing the interfaces between the organizations involved in response to an emergency, testing the relationships and instruments of cooperation (such as: protocols, response procedures, etc.) of the participant organizations, as well as the implementation of these procedures, testing the responsibilities and  capabilities of the participant organizations, the integration of these procedures in the National System for Management of the Emergency Situations. There was also envisaged the identification of the best practices, deficiencies and areas requiring improvements..

The exercise will be developed by simulating a sever accident at Cernavoda NPP, caused by several internal factors (technical emergency) and external ones (major natural events) with a gradual increasing during the exercise. The exercise is based on a confidential scenario in order to test the integrated response of all involved institutions to an emergency.

Press release regarding the training course on regulatory oversight of safety culture


During the period 31 August - 4 September 2015, a training course on nuclear safety culture assessment was held at Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant (Cernavoda NPP).

The training course was organized in the framework of the "Regional Excellence Project on Regulatory Capacity Building in Nuclear and Radiological Safety, Emergency Preparedness and Response in Romania", developed under the Norway Grants 2009-2014 (

The training course was attended by lecturers from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and from the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations in the United States of America (INPO ) and representatives from CNCAN, the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA), the National Company Nuclearelectrica (SNN) – the license holder for Cernavoda NPP and the Institute for Nuclear Research Pitesti.

The training course included lectures on operating experience at international level, the traits, principles and attributes of a healthy and effective nuclear safety culture, relevant regulatory requirements, standards and best practices in independent safety culture assessment, the elements of organizational culture and the way they support nuclear safety, as well as the new process established by CNCAN for the assessment of nuclear safety culture of organizations operating nuclear installations.


RO18 Enhancing the institutional capacity and cooperation between the public institutions, local and regional authorities from Romania and Norway


Steering Committee meeting within "Regional Excellence Project on Regulatory Capacity Building in Nuclear and Radiological Safety, Emergency Preparedness and Response in Romania", developed under the Norway Grants 2009-2014.


In the period 11 - 12 August 2015 at CNCAN headquarters took place the the Steering Committee meeting within "Regional Excellence Project on Regulatory Capacity Building in Nuclear and Radiological Safety, Emergency Preparedness and Response in Romania", developed under the Norway Grants 2009-2014.

This project with a budget of 4,215,098 EUR is developed in cooperation framework by National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) with Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).The aim of the project is to enhance the capabilities of the Romanian nuclear regulatory authority (CNCAN) in eight specific functional areas of work through exchange of experiences, best practices and capacity building.

The main activities included in the project refers to: updating the Romanian regulations in accordance with current international and European standards, developing the methodologies and guidelines for implementation of the regulations requirements, training CNCAN staff and other competent national authorities in applying the regulations and methodologies, nuclear and radiological emergency response and evaluation of nuclear safety documentation as part of the licensing process of nuclear facilities.

The meeting was attended by representatives of all parties involved in the implementation and monitoring of the project: NRPA, IAEA, CNCAN and the Ministry of European Funds.

The purpose of the meeting was : exchanging information on the progress and results obtained to date, discussing the problems encountered during the project ongoing and planning future actions for a successful implementation.


RO18 Enhancing the institutional capacity and cooperation between the public institutions, local and regional authorities from Romania and Norway