Sub-Project : CNCAN 8:


Enhancement of CNCAN capabilities for safeguard activities


  • Activity A8.1: Development of a new guideline on the obligations of the small users of nuclear materials to assure safeguards control and the Physical Inventory Tacking (PIT).


Deliverables for A8.1:

-          A new guideline on the obligations of the small users of nuclear materials to assure safeguards control and the Physical Inventory Tacking (PIT)

-          4 CNCAN staff involved in safeguards control in MBA WRMZ trained


  • Activity A8.2: Development of a procedure for preparation and submission of PILs and MBRs to ensure that these reports are issued in accordance with IAEA and EURATOM requirements.


Deliverables for A8.2:

-          A procedure for preparation and submission of PILs and MBRs to ensure that these reports are issued in accordance with IAEA and EURATOM requirements

-          Training of CNCAN staff and of representatives of the small users responsible for ensuring safeguards control


  • Activity A8.3: Acquiring the necessary hardware and computer programs  for data base installation, (Commission Regulation – Euratom - No 302/2005 of 8 February 2005 on the application of Euratom safeguards states)


Deliverables for A8.3:

-                 A functional database that allows in real time to track the movement of nuclear material in WRMZ and to generate safeguards reports

-                 Acquisition of one laptop

-                 4 CNCAN staff involved in safeguards control in MBA WRMZ trained