Norway Project » Deliverables » SUB-PROJECT: CNCAN 5
Enhancement of CNCAN capabilities for emergency preparedness and response
- · Activity A5.1: Radiation threat assessment
Deliverables for A5.1:
- The Expert Mission Report, including the results of the radiation related threat assessment at national level, with classification of nuclear and radiological installations according to IAEA GS-R-2 requirements
- Activity A5.2: Endowment of CNCAN – ERC with radiation monitoring devices, personal protective equipment, IT, communication means, etc.
Deliverables for A5.2:
- Study for CNCAN – ERC endowment, including technical specifications for the equipment to be purchased
- Equipment procured and installed
- Procedures / operational manuals for using the purchased equipment
- Staff trained in using the equipment
- Activity A5.3: Further development of ELAN-E Romania system for data and information exchange during emergencies
Deliverables for A5.3:
- Upgraded version (PLONE 4.0) of ELAN-E Romania system (for CNCAN use)
- Installed ELAN-E system at CNCAN – ERC and 8 CNCAN staff trained for the use of the system
- Activity A5.4: Improvement of organization and conduct of exercises in CNCAN
Deliverables for A5.4:
- A tool necessary for organization and conduct exercises in CNCAN
- Activity A5.5: Improvement of CNCAN capabilities for radiological consequences assessments (CNCAN)
Deliverables for A5.5:
- Acquisition of the technical support services for updating RODOS models (e.g aquatic models for radiological consequences assessments), including installation and training at CNCAN-ERC (for CNCAN users)
- Development of technical solutions for using weather prediction data for atmospheric dispersion calculations including training (for CNCAN users)
- Acquisition / development of technical solutions (specific software and dedicated server) for radiological data collection, data processing and elaboration of maps with the collected data including training (for CNCAN users)
- Activity A5.6: Development of specific emergency response procedures for CNCAN use
Deliverables for A5.6:
- Emergency response procedures (Public Communication procedure, Notification and Activation procedure, Emergency Controller procedure)
- Emergency management procedures for severe accidents at CANDU reactors and TRIGA reactors, including results of nuclear safety assessments from IAEA Guidelines and dose calculations in different meteorological conditions
- · Activity A5.7: Development of training modules for the emergency response organization of a nuclear regulatory authority
Deliverables for A5.7:
- On-line training modules (for CNCAN)
- · Activity A5.8: Specific training on practical response to radiological emergencies (medical response, environmental monitoring, etc.)
Deliverables for A5.8:
- Trained 83 persons from CNCAN and partner instructions’ staff
- Training materials / documents
- Activity A5.9: Harmonization of Romanian EPR related legislation with international and European requirements and guidelines
Deliverables for A5.9:
- The Fundamental norms for Emergency Preparedness and response in nuclear field
- The revised version of CNCAN Order 69/2014
- The new regulation “Specific Requirements for licensee in Emergency Preparedness Category IV”
- Activity A5.10: The preparation, organization and conduct of a national nuclear emergency exercise in Romania with a scenario involving an accident at the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant.
Deliverables for A5.10:
- Exercise, players, controllers and evaluators manuals
- Evaluation report (specific to CNCAN)
- After Action Report