Enhancement of CNCAN capabilities for Inspections

  • Activity A3.1: Development of the inspection process and specific procedures for all areas of regulatory oversight


Deliverables A3.1:

-         A systematic and comprehensive inspection programme based on a graded safety approach formalized through the inspection process

-         Inspection procedures

-         An initial training of 30 CNCAN staff involved in inspection activities

-         7 laptops for inspection activities


  • Activity A3.2: Development of a training and qualification program for CNCAN inspectors


Deliverables for A3.2:

-         A consistent and comprehensive inspector training programme and qualification process

-         Training materials supporting the inspector training programme and qualification process


  • Activity A3.3: Follow-up on the implementation of SC oversight programme

Deliverables for A3.3:

-         A comprehensive SCOP programme and appropriate training to CNCAN and NRPA staff involved in inspections and implementation of SCOP

-         Updated practical inspection guidelines for gathering safety culture relevant information from the review of documents, observation of activities and interviews with licensee’s staff