Enhancement of Regulatory Capabilities for Safety Analysis


  • Activity A1.1: Acquisition of one computer code to assess the reactor core behavior and containment behavior under severe accident conditions for a CANDU NPP;

Deliverables for A1.1:

-          One computer code, including licenses and supporting documents

-          Training materials for the code on severe accidents provided to CNCAN

-          3 CNCAN people trained at the basic level on the use of the computer code on severe accidents

-          One specific application server and 3 laptops


  • Activity A1.2: Advanced training and scientific visits/fellowships for CNCAN staff on the use of severe accident analysis computer codes for CANDU NPPs and advanced training on the use of RELAP/SCDAP computer code;


Deliverables for A1.2:

-          1 CNCAN people trained on the use of RELAP/SCDAP computer code for NPP’s

-          2 CNCAN people trained on the use of computer code on the assessment of the reactor core behavior under severe accident conditions for a CANDU 6 NP

-          1 CNCAN people trained on the use of computer code on the assessment of the containment behavior under severe accident conditions for a CANDU 6 NPP


  • Activity A1.3: Development of a Severe Accident Analysis Review Guide and Procedure;

Deliverables for A1.3:

-          Regulatory Review Guide for Severe Accident Analyses

-          Procedure for the regulatory review of the severe accident analyses provided by the licensees

-          10 people trained in the methodology used for the regulatory review of severe accident analyses and practical exercises on the use of the developed Regulatory Review Guide for Severe Accident Analyses provided by the licensees


  • Activity A1.4: Development of regulatory procedures and guidance for the review of the Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) and Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMGs) developed by the licensee;

Deliverables for A1.4:

-          3 CNCAN staff trained on the regulatory review of EOPs and SAMGs

-          A guide for regulatory review of EOPs and SAMGs

-          A procedure for the regulatory review of EOPs and SAMGs


  • Activity A1.5: Development of seismic assessment capabilities for CNCAN staff and development of regulatory requirements for qualification of Nuclear Power Plants against external events;

Deliverables for A1.5:

-          7 CNCAN staff trained on basic seismic hazard analysis and NPP seismic qualification

-          7 CNCAN staff trained on the use of mechanical computer codes for seismic design and verification of NPPs seismic qualified structures, systems and components

-          A set of regulatory requirements related to seismic events and other external events analysis and NPPs qualification

-          Regulatory Review Guide for seismic margins assessments

-          New licences for ANSYS MECHANICAL and BENTLEY AUTOPIPE computer codes (by acquisition of new/updated licences)


  • Activity A1.6: Development of a regulatory guide for licensees on Deterministic Safety Analysis performed for Nuclear Power Plants, for Design Basis Accidents scenarios and for  Beyond Design Basis Accidents

Deliverables for A1.6:

-          Regulatory Guide on Deterministic Safety Analysis for Design Basis Accidents and Beyond Design Basis Accidents developed for licensees (NPPs)