Enhancement of CNCAN capabilities for emergency preparedness and response
To strengthen, at the level of Romanian National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN), the capacity building and the effectiveness of emergency preparedness and response arrangements in case of radiation incidents and to enhance institutional cooperation at national and international level between the Romanian regulatory authority and similar partner organizations inside the country and abroad.
To consolidate the exchange of experience in the field of emergency preparedness and response, between CNCAN as the Romanian competent authority in the nuclear field and the correspondent NRPA in Norway, as a continuation of the work conducted in the framework of the bilateral cooperation of Romania and Norway under the successful Regional Excellence Programme on Safe Nuclear Energy in Romania, funded by Norway Grants and supported by the Norwegian Radiation Protection Agency (NRPA) in the period 2009-2011.
CNCAN has established since 2004 its own Emergency Response Centre (CNCAN-ERC) as the focal point for its emergency preparedness and response activities. The 2004 strategy was upgraded in the framework of the PHARE project RO 5812.06.01 “Technical Assistance for the Romanian Regulatory Emergency Centre”, and incorporates a view inspired by the status of advanced European nuclear regulatory bodies’ emergency centres. According to the current arrangements and corresponding legislative framework, CNCAN – ERC is an operative centre for emergency situations, belonging to the existing national system for the management of emergencies.
Under the framework of the Regional Excellence Programme on Safe Nuclear Energy, completed in between 2009 – 2011, taking benefit of the Norwegian Government financial support and of the international expertise under the coordination of International Atomic Energy Agency, CNCAN has significantly improved its infrastructure and knowledge in the field of emergency preparedness and response.
Starting with the evaluation of national capabilities and arrangements in Romania under the EPREV mission conducted by IAEA experts (with observers from NRPA) in March 2010, and continuing with the development of methodologies and tools for EPR assessments, by the end of the Programme “Safe Nuclear Energy”, CNCAN has been provided with important outputs consisting of: technical documentation including generic procedures for the assessment of nuclear accidents at TRIGA and CANDU reactors, a decision support system (RODOS) for dose assessments in case of radiation emergencies, a common platform for data and information exchange during radiation emergencies (ELAN-E Romania), specific training programmes related to practical response in radiation emergencies and the organization and conduct of a radiation emergency response exercise.
In total, under the framework of the “Safe Nuclear Energy” Programme, two IAEA missions have been conducted by IAEA experts in Romania, with consideration of EPR topic: an Emergency Preparedness Review (EPREV) mission, in March 2010 and an Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) mission in January 2011.
Taking into consideration all the recommendations resulted from IRRS and EPREV missions and the results, identified gaps and lessons learned resulted from the previous “Safe Nuclear Energy” Programme, the current sub-project for strengthening and enhancing emergency preparedness and response of CNCAN is a continuation for further development of previous activities and mainly focused on specific items as: endowment of CNCAN – ERC, revising and elaboration of specific emergency procedures, performing of a national assessment of all threats involving the use of radiation, developing the existing and new methodologies and tools for radiological consequences assessments, improving and harmonizing the emergency planning and collaboration at regional and European level related to radiation emergencies. Work within the sub-project will be done in conjunction with the Norwegian and the IAEA Incident and Emergency Centre (IEC) efforts to improve capacity building and international cooperation in the EPR field. The Norwegian knowledge and experience will be used in connection with Romanian current status and envisaged developments, in order to strengthen the skills, competencies and abilities of both CNCAN and NRPA staff and the cooperation, exchange of information and mutual assistance in between Romania and Norway in relation to activities related to preparedness and response to radiation emergencies
The programme will achieve its purpose described here above and in particular delivered:
- The Expert Mission Report, including the results of the radiation related threat assessment at national level, with classification of nuclear and radiological installations according to IAEA GSR-R2 requirements;
- Endowed CNCAN – ERC with radiation monitoring devices, personal protective equipment, IT, communication means,etc.
- A study for CNCAN – ERC endowment, including technical specifications for the equipment to be purchased;
- Equipment procured and installed;
- Procedures / operational manuals for using the purchased equipment;
- Staff trained in using the equipment;
- Upgraded version (PLONE 4.0) of ELAN-E Romania system (for CNCAN use);
- “S3 Exercise” software purchased, installed in CNCAN-ERC and staff trained;
- Aquatic models for radiological consequences assessments purchased, installed at CNCAN-ERC and trained staff (for CNCAN users and possibly for NRPA users);
- Technical solutions for using weather prediction data for atmospheric dispersion calculations including trained staff (for CNCAN users and possibly for NRPA users);
- Technical solutions for radiological data collection, data processing and elaboration of maps with the collected data including trained staff (for CNCAN users and possibly for NRPA users);
- Emergency response procedures for severe accident situations at CANDU reactors, including results of nuclear safety assessments from IAEA Guidelines and dose calculations in different meteorological conditions;
- Emergency response procedures for severe accidents at TRIGA reactor, including results of nuclear safety assessments from IAEA Guidelines and dose calculations in different meteorological conditions;
- Training modules developed for the emergency response organization of a nuclear regulatory authority;
- Trained staff for CNCAN and partner instruction on practical response to radiological emergencies (medical response, environmental monitoring, etc.);
- Training materials/documentation;
- Revised Ministerial Order 242/1993 and the elaborated specific regulations on emergency preparedness and response at nuclear installations;
- Specific regulations for dose assessments in radiation incidents/accidents;
- Joint radiation emergency exercise BULGARIA – ROMANIA with a scenario involving a radioactive materials transport on roadDraft Joint Action Plan RO – BUL for response in case of radiation emergencies with transboundary impact;
- Exercise Evaluation Report.