International cooperation » Multilateral cooperation
Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA)
Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA) is the association
of regulatory and control authorities in the field of nuclear safety in
Europe. It is a non-governmental association composed by the leaders and
members of nuclear regulatory authorities from the European countries that
have nuclear power plants.
The major objectives pursued by WENRA are developing a common approach to
nuclear safety and regulation in the field within the EU and ensuring an
independent assessment of nuclear safety in the European Union Member
WENRA was created in 1999 and originally included regulators from 10
countries: Belgium,Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Romania through the National
Commission for Nuclear Activities Control, participated as an observer in
WENRA meetings since the creation, becoming a full member in 2003.
In exercising its powers, WENRA elaborates the technical reports on the
regulatory regime and nuclear safety assessment. WENRA develop its
activity both within the biannual plenary meetings and in the three
working groups at expert level: reactor harmonisation working group
(RHWG), working group on waste and deccomissioning (WGWD), and working
group oninspection Practices (WGIP).
European High Level Group on Nuclear Safety and Radioactive Waste
Management (ENSREG)
European High Level Group on Nuclear Safety and Radioactive Waste
Management (ENSREG) was created following the Council’s invitation to
establish a European High Level Group, stated in its Conclusions of 8 May
2007 on nuclear safety and safe management of spent nuclear fuel and
radioactive waste.
ENSREG has a mandate to establish a Community framework for the
maintenance and continuous improvement of nuclear safety and spent fuel
management and radioactive waste.
Nuclear safety and safe management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive
waste is a national responsibility of the European Union (EU Member States
) and decisions on safety and surveillance measures of nuclear
installations remain in the exclusive competence of the national
authorities in the field.
In this context, ENSREG wants to establish a number of conditions for
continuous improvement of the cooperation framework at the Community of
nuclear safety and safe management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive
waste level.
ENSREG brings together leaders of national regulator authorities in the
field of nuclear safety in all EU Member States, the president of the
National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control ensuring the
representation of the Romanian nuclear regulatory authority.
Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development (NEA/OECD)
CNCAN, invited by NEA/OECD participates since 2000 to the Nuclear Law
Committee as an ad – hoc observer. At the new invitation sent to Romania
in 2010 by NEA/OECD to participate in the Council’s main committees, CNCAN
expressed its intention to participate in the work of the following
committees and working groups:
1.Committee on safety of nuclear installations (CSNI)
•CSNI Program Review Group (CSNI)
•Working Group for analysis and accident management (WGAMA)
•Working Group on Risk Assessment (WGRISK)
•Working Group on fuel cycle safety (WGFCS)
2.Committee on nuclear regulatory activities (CNRA)
•Working Group on Inspection Practices (WGIP)
•Working Group on operating experience (WGOE)
•Working Group on public communication of Nuclear Regulatory Body (WGPC)
•Working Group on the regulation of new generation reactors (WGRNR)
3. Committee on radiation protection and public health (CRPPH)
CNCAN also expressed interest in participating in further Nuclear law
Committee (NLC).
The activity developed within these committees, NEA/OECD supports the
participation countries in order to continue maintain and develop the
knowledge and capabilities to assess the safety of nuclear reactors and
nuclear fuel cycle facilities. Also, another goal of the NEA/OECD
regarding the establishment of these committees was to establish the
guidelines on the regulation, authorization and inspection of nuclear
facilities in order to ensure an appropriate level of nuclear safety, to
identify the events that may occur and to analise the possible
implications in order to take the appropriate measures for radiation
protection. The Committees, together with the related working groups, are
discussion forums, exchange information and experience between
representatives of participating countries, aiming the promotion of the
cooperation between OECD Member States. In particular, each working group
aims to make a dissemination of the lessons learned in order to increase
efficiency and effectiveness of the participating institutions. The
documents produced in these works are baseline, together with other
specific documents for the work of the participating institutions.